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  • Rachel Rossano

The Summer Struggle Begins

I homeschool my children. Well, actually my husband and I homeschool them, but I tend to be the one in the trenches with them day in and day out as the school year passes. I also tend to be the main caretaker of the trio when the schooling is done. Hubby helps a ton with the shuttling of the boys to scouts and he is wonderful for a pep talk, a problem solving meeting mid-day or when we need it. He works hard to support us all. In general, the scheme works for us.

BUT, as most of you know, I am also a writer and cover designer. The constant struggle to find time to run these two separate businesses is ongoing and fierce. Usually they end up fitting in my so called "free-time" and are prioritized below parenting, homeschooling, household chores, and the battle to keep the ever-regenerating monster of dirty laundry at bay.

This summer, however, I am going to try to change things up a bit. I have set a goal for myself. The publication of my ever increasing pile of finished manuscripts (first, second, and third drafts) needs to happen. My husband and I have agreed to attempt a pace of three a year. In order to do that, I need dedicated work time that is uninterrupted and consistent. I am a creature who thrives with a healthy measure of routine. So, that is what we are going to try to do.

Starting tomorrow (despite the fact school hasn't completely ended yet), I am going to start training the kids to respect my work time. No antidotes, side comments about a book while standing next to me, looking over my shoulder, or interrupting for things that can wait. (No I don't know where your book is. Where did you last see it?) Emergency interrupting only! We will start small and work our way up so hopefully by June I will be working two hours a day when they are not in bed.

This should be interesting.

How do you manage your home time so that the right things get done?


Rachel Rossano writes, designs, teaches, and generally attempts to keep up with her three children. Happily married to the man of her dreams, she delights in living a full and laughter filled life.

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