A Holiday Update and 2021 Plans

This holiday break has not gone as planned. Not that any of them have ever gone as planned. Still, the pause to celebrate our Savior's birth and bid the old year goodbye and the new one hello, brought a nice change of pace.
I am not sure how other families spend their break, but the Rossano household tends to celebrate the changing of the year with cleaning, purging, and organizing. My husband threw himself into the project with more vigor this year and commandeered a good amount of my time and energy to assist him. I freely admit that I am pleased with the results, a cleaner and more organized basement, office, and family room. I didn't get all of my planned plotting and writing done, but we are better situated for me to devote my time to them next week as we get back into the school, work, and everyday schedules.
What little time I did get to invest in writing, I spent it writing, brainstorming (a bit), and creating a map for one of my current WIPs, Rumpled Rhett. I figured making the map now was a better choice than later when I would forget things.
The village, which I haven't named yet, is located in the mountains between Areyuthia and Everly, where the mythic eighth duchy once stood.

Now that 2021 is here, I am finally setting goals for the year. They are loose and tentative, subject to change, etc. But setting objectives to strive for is healthy. Last year, I said I planned on publishing three books, and I was extremely pleased that I managed it by the grace of God. So, with realistic trepidation, here are my writing goals for 2021.
Write three books. (1) Charity (Fourth Novel of Rhynan) is already about a quarter finished, and (2) Rumpled Rhett (Once Upon a Duchy) is also about a quarter done. (3) The last is still undecided. I suspect I will write a second Once Upon a Duchy novel, but which one is still a mystery. I would love to hear your vote. If you pop over to the Once Upon a Duchy page to see the choices. :)
I am hoping to publish two books in 2021. Reclaiming Ryda (Once Upon a Duchy) is in editing and should be ready for publishing in February or March. The other book is TBD.
Writing-wise, I hope to get a steady word count trend (1,000 to 3,000 a day), so I can write all of these books. We shall see if I can manage it.