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Rachel Rossano's Words
Recent Posts
Writing Update!
I am finishing up my current Elisa Rae project. Why is this significant? Because next on my writing agenda is the next Once Upon a Duchy...
The Problem Solving Begins
As many of you probably recall, I have a project that has been languishing in my small metaphorical stack of unfinished problem projects...
Writing Update - July
So, June and the beginning of July didn't go as planned. LOL Despite my great hopes of a return to productivity, the recovery time from...
Writing Update
The 2021-2022 school year finished with a round of family sickness. Don't worry, we have all recovered and are doing well, but I lost two...
2021 in review and plans for 2022
That time has come again. As 2021 approaches its end, I am trying to scrape together all the accomplishments of the year into one spot....
My First Box Set and Other News
Life has been full. We are now two weeks into our school vacation, and what a crazy two weeks it has been. I finished the rough draft of...
Series Status Updates and Projections
A lot can happen in a month. January 2021 hasn't even finished, and I am already revising my mental plans for the year. Have no fear. I...
A Holiday Update and 2021 Plans
This holiday break has not gone as planned. Not that any of them have ever gone as planned. Still, the pause to celebrate our Savior's...
Politics in Fantasy: the Inspiration for The Talented
Let me begin by saying, I don’t like politics. Never have. Because I value honesty and integrity highly, I find the misleading behaviors...
Hadrian's Brothers
In a world where seventh born sons are highly valued, the families of Prantinus are obsessed with having many sons. Then, when one adds...
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