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Rachel Rossano's Words
Recent Posts


2021 in review and plans for 2022
That time has come again. As 2021 approaches its end, I am trying to scrape together all the accomplishments of the year into one spot....

End of Year Sales!
'Tis the season for sales, it appears. I am pleased to announce that I am joining in the trend. Now until the end of 2021, the first...

My First Box Set and Other News
Life has been full. We are now two weeks into our school vacation, and what a crazy two weeks it has been. I finished the rough draft of...

2 for $25 Paperback Sale
Just in time for Christmas shopping (though I can't promise the books will get there before Christmas), it is a limited time paperback...

Politics in Fantasy: the Inspiration for The Talented
Let me begin by saying, I don’t like politics. Never have. Because I value honesty and integrity highly, I find the misleading behaviors...

Hadrian's Brothers
In a world where seventh born sons are highly valued, the families of Prantinus are obsessed with having many sons. Then, when one adds...

A Heroine's Journey
Zezilia Ilar, the heroine of The Talented trilogy, has journeyed through three novels with me over a span of fourteen years. From the...

The Defender: Zezilia and Hadrian Return
Despite many obstacles, I can finally announce the pending arrival of the next installment in The Talented Trilogy, The Defender. Picking...
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